Monday, December 15, 2008

MCPD to Meet Tomorrow With Sen. King and Del. Simmons

A few updates to pass along:

-- Exactly three weeks from today, the first of three trials in the murder of Lindsay Harvey will take place in Montgomery County District Court. Aaron Michael Shepherd, one of the two teenage accomplices accused of participating in the April 13 robbery and murder with Shawn M. Henderson, was arrested along with Anthony Steven Moore last June. Shepherd's trial begins Jan. 5.

Shepherd, now 20, has been charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery, and conspiracy to commit armed robbery. Henderson, the man accused of shooting Lindsay, will be tried on Feb. 9. Moore's trial is scheduled to begin March 9.

-- Also, representatives of Justice for Safety and Montgomery County Police officials will be meeting tomorrow, Dec. 16, to discuss our proposed diminution credits legislation with Maryland State Sen. Nancy King and Del. Luiz R. S. Simmons.

Last month, Sen. King pledged her support for our proposed legislation, which would cap diminution credits for violent offenders so that they can earn no more than 15% of the time off their prison sentences.

Del. Simmons represents District 17 in Maryland, which is where Lindsay Harvey lived and was killed. This will be our first meeting with him.

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